
Quality Control

Inspection Equipment


Digital Melt flow index tester as per method A of ASTM D 1238 with auto cutting facility. This model has a prelogic incorporated with built in program for the easy operation. The complete flow path of operation such as Preheating time, Reject time, Test time, Number of tests can be set permanently in the program so that when pressed start on temperature stability the complete logic would automatically function and number of sample cuts would be obtained with respect to time. Based on this collection using a separate weighing scale the results can be calculated.


Computerized Twin screw Universal Testing Machine to determine properties of Tensile & Elongation as per ASTM D 638 & ISO 527, Compression as per ASTM D 695 & Flexural (three point bending), as per ASTM D 790 with auto stop, auto reverse facility & direct display of result through 32 bit micro controller having 4 lines and 20 character display. Suitable for checking all types of polymers, compounds, composite materials, fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) and polymeric materials.


As per ASTM D - 256 & ASTM D 6110 as well as ISO 179 and ISO 180 to test impact resistance of plastics by Izod and Charpy method respectively. The test indicates the energy required to break specimen by axial impact

Motorized Notch Cutter

For making 'V' notch in the Izod / Charpy samples as per ASTM D - 256 & ASTM D 6110 as well as ISO 179 and ISO 180 standards. .


As per ASTM D - 1525 and ASTM D - 648 as well as ISO 306 and ISO 75 to determine vicat softening temperature and heat deflection temperature (heat distortion temperature) of polymers, compounds and engineering plastics.

Digital Density Apparatus

Density is obtained by dividing mass by volume. . Mass can be measured with scales or balances, and is expressed in grams or kilograms. By convention, the volume of liquids and gases is often expressed in units of liters or milliliters, measured with glassware

Muffle Furnace

It use for determiniation of Ash/Filler content in given sample.The Ash test result is expressed as % ash. A magnified optical examination of the ash residue is performed to determine if the ash is glass, mineral, or a combination of both. The total ash content equals the weight of the ash divided by the weight of the original sample multiplied by 100%.

Moisture Analyser

A Moisture Analyser, which is also referred to as a moisture balance or moisture meter, is an instrument used for the determination of the moisture content of a sample. It consists of an infrared weighing and heating unit

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